Date of Pub: 2022-06

ISBN: 978-1-60633-618-2

Author: Wang Yiwei

About the Author

Wang Yiwei is jean Monnet Chair Professor, Vice President of Academy of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Director of Institute of International Affairs Director of Center for European Studies at Renmin University of China. He is expert adviser of CCPIT Advisory Committee and Turkish TRT World Forum. The Council Member of China Center for International Economic Exchanges, CClEE) and Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs(CPIFA) . He was formerly diplomat at Chinese Mission to the European Union (2008-201l) and distinguished professor at Tongji University (2011-2013), professor of Center for American Studies at Fudan University (2001-2008), visiting professor of Yonsei University (2005) and Fox Fellow of Yale University (2000.2001). His recent books include China’s Answer to the Question of the Time: Building a Global Community of Shared Future, An Interconnected World: China and the Belt and Road Initiative, China Connects the World: What Behind the Belt & Road

initiative (translated into 20 versions), New World Press, April. 2017; The Belt & Road Initiative: What China Will Offer the World in Its Rise (translated in 20 versions, both book of year 2015, 2016), Haishang: Revelations of European Civilization (both in Chinese and English) and China NATO Studies Series. He delivered keynote speech on BRl at UNESCO headquarter and side event of UN General Assembly. He attended over 1000 forums and conferences such as BRl International Cooperation Forum, Munich Security Conforence, Shangri-La Dialogue, Valdai Club Forum. Boao Asia Forum, Wilton Park conference, Stockholm China Forum, Berlin Diplomatic Forum and World Government Summit. He is a frequent guest interviewee by the South China Morning Post, Russia Today, CCTV/CGTN, BBC, New York Times and other Medias.


About the Content

The Belt and Road Initiative is a major decision made by General Secretary Xi Jinping who has thought deeply about the future of mankind and the development trend of China and the world, and it sims to promote the cooperation and the common development between China and the world. Adhering to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, the Belt and Road initiative has made not only an overall planning for the lay out of China’s opening up space in the new era, but also a top-level design for the path of achieving a result between China and the world. in this sense, it is not only a great innovation of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, but also a master plan for China’s opening up and international cooperation in a long run therefore, it is a major innovation of opening up in both theory and practice by the CPC. The joint construction of the Belt and Road lnitiative has provided an international cooperation platform with broad participation and contributed China’s proposals for the reform of the global governance system, so it has become a vivid practice of building a global community of shared future, and has been widely welcomed by the international community. Therefore, the Belt and Road Initiative carries a landmark significance in the history of the world development.